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Topic Must-Haves, Safety,

Stolen commercial vehicles and loss of expensive assets are every service providers’ nightmare. HVAC, electrical, and plumbing vans are commonly targeted for theft because criminals know it’s often loaded with valuable equipment.

About $6 billion was lost to motor vehicle theft in 2018. The average dollar loss per theft is $8,407. As you can imagine, the cost of company fleets and assets can majorly set back operational productivity and growth, especially when the vehicles themselves are an extension of your business.

In addition to helping prevent theft, understanding how GPS fleet tracking software works holistically can help you save time and money and maximize resource investments.

Why GPS Fleet Tracking Software?

In recent years, technology has advanced to make it difficult for criminals looking to make a quick buck. Today, investing in GPS tracking technology not only provides added security for both your vehicles and assets, but another layer of protection for your drivers as well.

With a GPS fleet tracking system integrated into your org’s processes, you gain better visibility and dynamic data across every facet of your daily fleet management. Using the power of high-tech modern tools, GPS fleet tracking gathers numerous data insights such as idle time, driving behaviors, tech visibility, compliance, and more to provide your team and your customers the most effective way to give and receive service.

That’s why it’s important to understand what kind of value you’re getting for your investment, should you ever choose a GPS tracking solution for your business. While GPS fleet tracking serves a multitude of purposes, small business owners may be unsure of what kind of software and products fit their specialized needs.

Maximize your efficiency with field service management software that does laps around the competition.

If you’re looking for a high-level overview to get started, below are the top three benefits you will gain from implementing GPS fleet tracking software into your fleet management:

  • Get real-time visibility into your mobile workforce with live-location of vehicles, search historical data on the fly, and gain peace of mind knowing where your assets and drivers are at all times
  • Accidents happen almost too frequently, minimize distracted drivers and eliminate risky driving behaviors like rapid acceleration. Preventing speeding can significantly reduce fuel costs and most importantly ‒ ensures the safety of your drivers.
  • Get automated live-alerts when your fleet is in operation outside of set business times and geofencing parameters. This allows you to act quickly and notify law enforcement of unauthorized use as soon as it happens and increase the likelihood of recovering any stolen assets and vehicles.

GPS Technology Continues to Transform the Field Service World

GPS tracking systems have become essential for both small and large businesses that have a mobile workforce. In the last year, there has been substantial growth in field service companies using GPS tracking and it isn’t slowing down anytime soon.


According to the Fleet Tracking Trends Report, there was a rise in fleets that used GPS tracking software in 2019, the total of which 98% reported having gained extraordinary benefits for their companies.


However, companies aren’t the only ones who are enjoying the perks of GPS fleet tracking.

Gone are the days of your customers wondering where and when their technician is going to arrive. With real-time GPS tracking and alerts available to your customers, they can keep track of who your tech is, how far away they are, and send and receive text messages if needed ‒‒ all from the comfort of their own preferred devices. This gives your customers the best service experience while keeping your call volume down and saving time.


If you’re wondering how GPS tracking systems can improve your bottom line, the proof is in the metrics. GPS fleet tracking is proven to provide an immediate ROI of over 1,000% in the first year alone. If you’d like any help with getting more information or scheduling a free demo, reach out, and we’ll be happy to help you get started.


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